Personalized Retreat Consultant
Have you ever wanted to go to your exact favorite dream vacation spot, plan what you want to plan, but have someone there to enhance it with soulful body movement, inspiring moments to stop for inner reflection, or looking for quiet walks to release what needs to be released from the busy world with a life coach & trained meditation teacher to receive what needs to be received from your inner intuition?
Think of this as you get all the control to pick the flights, the time, the location, any food exploration, excursion fun, etc. you get full control to pick every activity and non-activity hour on your vacation. You create your ideal vacation schedule and then get to have your own personal health, wellness & prosperity coach, yoga instructor, fitness enthusiast, and journaling pro to uplift your own guidance to rejuvenation, relaxation and tapping back into what makes you grounded in your truth.

Get Started
Contact me to start your next personalized retreat & optimal support and growth system post-retreat consultation.
Various pricing based on specific needs and goals of each client or client group. Katy works with individuals, families, collegues, and social groups. Message her today!

That’s what I do. I’ve always felt retreats are an amazing way to get outside every day life, but then when you are back in every day life, it’s hard to incorporate those new habits, soulful insights or lightning strike business ideas because “you’re back to reality.”
That’s the magic when you hire me to come along on your exploration vacation… I experience your insights, deeper authentic truths and exciting goals personally or professionally, and I help implement when you return. Not just immediately, but set up check-ins long after to hold you, your dreams and your insights accountable to follow them through to fruition. We won’t allow the spark to dim just because you are back home & “busy” again.
Get Started
Contact me to start your next personalized retreat & optimal support and growth system post-retreat consultation.
Various pricing based on specific needs and goals of each client or client group. Katy works with individuals, families, collegues, and social groups. Message her today!
It’s not easy to take the retreat back with you. How do I know? Because I did that for 12 years before I realized it’s the accountability, support and guidance from a coach, teacher, & consultant that not only keeps you accountable but sparks more growth to keep creating long after the getaway is over.
It seems silly to need a consultant post retreat, I thought so too. But, that is where the work is – implementing any soulful retreat insight into an everyday seemingly insignificant choice & embodying your true desires and goals.
You can create the authentic choices of your inner world you discovered on your break from reality – you just need the accountability and growth consultant to keep embodying the habits, actions and energy long after the vacation to become the energy you dream of… and embody it into your everyday life.

Get Started
Contact me to start your next personalized retreat & optimal support and growth system post-retreat consultation.
Various pricing based on specific needs and goals of each client or client group. Katy works with individuals, families, collegues, and social groups. Message her today!